
Our Services

We offer comprehensive evaluation services, parent consultation, and educationally-related mental health counseling.

Psychoeducational & Psychological Evaluations

These evaluations focus on understanding whether the individual presents with neurodevelopmental disorders and/or learning disabilities. The evaluations may test for disorders and/or needs that may be impacting one’s functioning, including:

  • attention deficit (ADHD) and executive functioning disorders

  • auditory, visual, and sensory-motor processing disorders

  • developmental disorders (e.g., autism spectrum, intellectual disabilities, and functional effects from genetic disorders)

  • dyslexia (disorders of reading), dysgraphia (disorders of writing), and dyscalculia (disorders of mathematics). Within the public schools, these areas may be referenced as Specific Learning Disabilities

  • language disorder and memory impairments

  • psychological disorders impacting learning (e.g., depression & anxiety)

  • transition and vocational skills needs

Our staff also collaborates with other evaluators for clients with low incidence impairments.

School Neuropsychological Evaluations

These evaluations provide an in-depth assessment designed to understand an individual’s strengths and weaknesses, presence of cognitive or academic decline due to chronic illness, seizure disorders, medical, traumatic brain injury, impairments caused by brain tumors, or mental health conditions. Instruments may include measures of sensory-motor, attention, visual-spatial, language, memory and learning, executive functions, speed and efficiency of processing, general cognitive abilities, academic achievement, and social-emotional and behavioral functions.

College Disability/College Board Evaluations

These evaluations focus on students preparing to continue their education in post-secondary schools, including vocational/career schools, two/four-year colleges/universities, and graduate universities. Post-secondary schools may offer services and supports to individuals with a qualified disability, including academic adjustments/accommodations and auxiliary aids. The testing is tailored to identify the area(s) of DSM-5 disability and recommended support.

Educationally-Related Mental Health Services (ERMHS) Assessments

An ERMHS assessment is designed to understand a student’s mental health functioning in the educational setting. The goal of this evaluation is to support social-emotional and behavioral adjustments within the child’s academic functioning. Recommendations usually include focused supports that allow the child to improve in educational activities and school attendance. ERMHS are generally offered within the continuum of IEP related services and are considered more intensive services.

Functional Behavioral Analysis (FBA) Assessments

An FBA focuses on behaviors that negatively impact a child's functioning within the classroom setting. This type of assessment includes evaluating behavioral data, analyzing the educational environment, and conducting interviews, observations, and a review of records. As a result, the assessment will present information regarding the extent of the impact on the student's learning, triggers/predictors of the problem behaviors, and effective interventions to shape the behaviors. Recommendations may include a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP), which allows for interventions and introduces replacement behaviors.

Educationally-Related Mental Health Counseling & Parent Counseling/Training

Our office offers counseling services to support the mental health needs related to our client’s learning and development. Our clients may experience social, emotional, and/or behavioral difficulties in adjustment to their daily life activities. Counseling targets include skipping or missing school, difficulties with social relationships, learning difficulties affecting self-esteem, affective disorders impacting school and social functioning, and executive/attention functioning deficits impacting learning and independence. Parent consultation, counseling, and training services are for parents requiring support for children and adolescents with significant behavioral and psychological factors impacting their learning and functioning.